Hydrogen Practice Area

Decarbonizing hard-to-abate sectors


The North American hydrogen market includes over 14 million metric tons of hydrogen consumption, $20 billion in sales, and a footprint of more than 100 million metric tons of CO2. The vast majority of this market is carbon-intensive gray hydrogen produced from natural gas.

Hydrogen will be pivotal to Solving Climate+ by 2050 — powering advanced mobility, storing renewable energy, decarbonizing the gas grid, heating buildings, and lowering the environmental impact of industrial processes such as steel and electronics.

The first step will be to decarbonize the current hydrogen market by shifting from gray to blue (gray production plus carbon capture) or green (produced with renewable power or energy). The transition to blue or green hydrogen is a considerable opportunity for project development and financing and stakeholders across the hydrogen supply chain — from equipment manufacturers (e.g., CCUS and water electrolysis) to producers and industrial customers.

Hydrogen Industry Market Group

Project Consortium

In 2021, SEP searched for a granular-level data system that comprehensively landscaped the supply, demand, pricing, and other features of the current North American hydrogen market. We needed that system to evaluate opportunities for our investing activities and that of our corporate clients. Nothing comprehensive could be found, so our research group built the system.

Saoradh Enterprise Partners’ North American Hydrogen Market Model is the first of its kind — a groundbreaking set of dashboards and interactive tools that pull from proprietary databases including energy feedstock capacity and costs, producers, users, and other critical datasets.

We have created a consortium of companies to co-fund, provide input, and share exclusive access to the next version of this system. See our announcement to SEP’s Hydrogen Data Consortium here.