Holiday Newsletter 2019


During the early 1950s, a man dreamed of a place that would capture people’s imagination, encourage families to spend time together and make them happy. As that dream became plans, was financed and built, the naysayers faded away and the public became enamored of this new place. The design was unique and its operation embodied excellence. When Disneyland finally opened in 1955, Walt Disney said, “To all who come to this happy place: welcome. Disneyland is your land. Here age relives fond memories of the past, and here youth may savor the challenge and promise of the future. Disneyland is dedicated to the ideals, the dreams, and the hard facts that have created America, with the hope that it will be a source of joy and inspiration to all the world.”

At SEP, we take inspiration from Disneyland and the man who created it. Among the many lessons we can learn from his work, the power of the entrepreneurial spirit, importance of excellence for any product, and ability to create a world from our imagination (in which humans and the rest of life can thrive) are our favorites. At SEP, this is called disruptive sustainability and can be created by coupling our team with likeminded innovators and business people that product-by-product rebuild the supply chains for key goods and services until a sustainable, enjoyable planet is achieved.

During 2019, the team at SEP generated progress in this theme through our portfolio companies and efforts to expand the SEP investment thesis. Redmark continued to build natural gas vehicles for Ford Motor Company and provide clean fuel vehicle and fueling services to its many fleet customers in and around Colorado. Through efforts by X3CNG and others, the fueling sites for these vehicles are moving toward use of renewable natural gas (RNG), which significantly reduces GHG emissions as well as criteria pollutants. We sold our position in AMP Americas because its leadership team secured a great value for their RNG assets. ALD NanoSolutions entered into joint development agreements with customers to bring nano-materials into lithium-ion batteries, 5G communications, novel metal materials for 3D printing and catalysts for fuel cells and other applications - making each of these technologies better.

The team at SEP also worked on projects in 2019 that we hope will result in new companies or novel technologies for adoption by enlightened companies. These included a novel business model to reduce the cost of electric vehicles, innovation for cell-based meats, market development for plant-based proteins, engagements with CVC offices, and various activities at CU Boulder, Colorado School of Mines, CSU, Mote Marine Laboratory, and the Good Food Institute. As you will see in this annual holiday Enews, we have updated our name and logo to reflect our expanded investment thesis of clean energy, new mobility, advanced materials, and biomaterials. And, SEP added a satellite office in Sarasota, Florida to complement our work in Boulder, Colorado.

We look forward to working with you in 2020, the beginning to a new decade of promise for excellence in products and disruptive sustainability.

Seasons greetings,

Paul Nelson

Managing Partner


GFI’s Sustainable Seafood Initiative announces new strategic partnership and grantees


SEP, GFI Partner for Advanced Protein Seminars at CU Boulder and CSU